Kit Reviews

Tuesday 18 September 2018

Meng Leopard Dirty Bottom!

The final weathering has now commenced and as usual I'm using a mixture of VMS pigments and VMS alkyd binder & universal weathering carrier to fix them in place. The tracks had a wet mixture brushed on then dusted off once dry followed by the wear surfaces cleaned up with cotton buds dipped in water. Finally with the aid of masking tape the metal wear areas on the tracks were added using a graphite pencil and graphite dust.

The lower hull was then dampened with the carrier then pigments were added until they had soaked up all the carrier. The wheels had a mixture of dry pigments brushed on then small dabs of binder & carrier went on to fix in place. Once happy with the results the wheels and tracks were glued on.

The side skirts were a little tricky to fit but I found that a light sanding on the contact areas on the hull ensured a proper fit. I now have the skirts and front and rear hull to work on before adding some dust to the upper surfaces.

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