Kit Reviews

Tuesday 7 August 2018

Belgian AIFV Making A Start

Well the kit is putting up a spirited fight right from the off with some really awful fit issues. I have been spoilt of late with some really great kits and had forgotten how challenging some of the older AFV club kits can be to build. This one sits firmly in that camp! First up are the wheels which do not fit the suspension arms, you need to ream out the locating hole slightly on each wheel to get a decent fit.

Next there are loads of hull and upper hull fit issues with some serious clamping, swearing and huffing needed to get a half decent fit. The rear end is particularly dodgy and will need a fair bit of remedial work to correct. Finally as suspected the tracks have been a bloody disaster. I glued, clamped and left overnight only to find that the plastic at the critical join had almost dissolved! 

What is it with AFV club tracks? I don't think I've ever managed to get a set to glue properly, bloody hateful things. I swear they are made out of the devils scrotum or something similar. So a set of friulmodel metal tracks are on their way as we speak. The next time I build an AFV club kit the tracks are going straight in the bloody bin!


  1. I feel your pain with those tracks, I'm just about to make a start on an AFV Club Centurion, opened a few bags last night and checked out the tracks, looks like the moulds not wearing too well, there's lots of flash and due to the softness it's a bugger to clean up, think I'll invest in a set of indy links, but not too sure whether to go for the AFV Club plastic or a set of Friuls.

    I haven't actually tried Friulmodel tracks yet, although I have got a couple of sets from some ebay purchases that came with them included.

  2. Cheers Anthony, I can recommend the Friulmodel tracks for the centurion, I used a set myself on my Israeli centurion last year. A damn sight easier than plastic ones in my humble opinion!
