Kit Reviews

Saturday 11 August 2018

AIFV Struggles

The AIFV continues to vex me and test my patience severely. The latest problem came when I test fitted the side panels and found that they fouled the tracks. I checked using the rubber tracks and the same thing was evident. After much cursing and head scratching some 0.5mm strip glued along the edges of the side panels solved the issue nicely.

I also cut back the locating pin for the sprockets flush with the housing which enables me now to fit the tracks and sprockets after painting. The rear has also had a couple of panels made up from plastic card to better represent the real thing. The Milan station has also been modified with one of the scopes cut off and re-positioned and a new sight made from plastic. 

I'm determined to beat this kit into submission and I think I'm winning so far! 

Today also sees the fifth anniversary of the creation of Stonehenge Modellers. Back in 2013 we attended IPMS Avon with our very first display and have thoroughly enjoyed ourselves ever since. As it's only myself and Brian we enjoy the luxury of having a table each to display our work and it's much easier to organise as well.

So yesterday we had a "club meeting" at our usual haunt, the millstream pub at Marden with our mascot, Brian's mad spaniel Tilly, and had a very nice lunch as a celebration of this momentous occasion. Any excuse for a pint of 6x! 


  1. A lot of work on this kit but you are on the good way. I stay tuned to see the next stages Pete. Again a nice belgian model on your collection. I'm sure you'll win the best price at the contest.
