Kit Reviews

Thursday 16 August 2018

AIFV Camo Netting

Since buying the kit and doing some research I've wanted from the start to add some camo netting along the sides. This is something often seen in pictures of the real thing. So after some serious thought as to how I was going to accomplish this I've had a stab at it. 

I started by cutting some gauze netting and fixing to the sides using white glue. As it started setting I moved the netting into position and left to cure. Next I started adding some tetra netting using white glue but found the netting wanted to go back to its default state. A change to CA was called for and I found that attaching the netting to the top of the hull with CA enabled me to stretch and shape it much easier. Many small drops of glue fixed it into place.

I've tried to get a rumpled and lumpy look to it which I think looks pretty good. I may also add some hessian strips once both sides are complete. Hopefully it will look fine once painted, I've never truly mastered camo netting on my models so I'm cuffed with this effort.

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