Kit Reviews

Tuesday 3 July 2018

New Project, Meng Leopard 2A4

Due to the glorious weather we are currently enjoying here in the UK and the resulting heat and humidity plus the sky high temperatures in the modelling cave it's rather hard to actually get any paint or pigments etc down at the moment as it's all drying far to quick.  

However all is not lost so thanks to a new Leopard group build that's just started over on Modellers haven online forum I can at least do something productive, well it keeps me away from the gin! I've selected the rather splendid Meng leopard 2A4 for this group build and have had a crack at it already.

The wheels and suspension are now all done and as you can see the swinging arms are workable. Detail is excellent and I do like the dark olive plastic used. I've also removed solid cast handles on the upper hull and will replace with suitable lead wire. Before getting too carried away I'll also sort out the tracks. Only half a run each side is needed as the side skirts will hide the top run anyway.

I think my cat Fangus is also suffering from the heat but at least he can find some shade for a snooze in the garden.

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