Kit Reviews

Sunday 13 May 2018

IPMS Gloucester Show Report

Another pleasant weekend & another show to attend. This time it's IPMS Gloucester's show. Brian came with me this time and for a change I didn't have to drive which was nice. As ever the show is held at the Churchdown community centre which is a nice venue. 

I was very impressed with the amount and variety of traders attending, there was certainly something for everyone with some bargains to be had. There was also lots of choice for sundries such as paints, glue and other bits which we all need from time to time. 

Moving onto the displays and I was again impressed with the quality of them. Sometimes it's just too easy to zone out endless models just sat on the tables but many of them really stood out for me as they were displayed on interesting and enhancing bases. The clubs were split between three areas and apart from the inevitable backpack dance, (you know the one when everyone comes to a show with a pack on and then stands in the middle of a corridor) there was plenty of room to admire the models on display.

Stash wise I picked up a Meng Gepard and one of those Mr hobby paint stands & a tube of putty. We also enjoyed a rather nice burger from the van parked outside the entrance. On the way home a pint was the order of the day so once again a great trip with a very nice show visit, modelling bollocks and a pint to finish it all off. Living the dream!

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