Kit Reviews

Thursday 10 May 2018

Bear Repair

Something very different is now on the workmate, he's too big for the bench! This is a chainsaw sculpture belonging to my sister in law, he's had quite a journey starting out in Minnesota where he was purchased. He then moved to Florida and finally came over the ocean to the UK. 

The bear was kept outside on balconies in all weathers so he's looking slightly worse for wear with some major cracks and some savage chewing from various insects. However he will be kept inside after I've repaired him. I started out using some wood strips to fill the bigger cracks and plenty of wood glue. Shaping and filling has been done today & I'll leave him for a few days before final sanding and shaping.

I will then stain the exposed wood to blend it all together and repaint his black coat a shiny black like he was when new. I'll leave some of the minor splits in the wood and the insect burrow marks alone as they add a nice bit of age to him. 

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