Kit Reviews

Sunday 15 April 2018

Poole Vikings Show 14/04/18

Yesterday saw myself and the old codger Brian pop down to the Poole Vikings show for a bit of modelling bollocks and a very pleasant spot of lunch. Lucky the weather was grim first thing so I did not have to endure the inevitable top down motoring which is the usual fare when Brian drives his mid life crisis car!  

As usual the show was small but with plenty of traders in attendance. Display wise it seemed to be slightly less crowded than previous years so there was a bit of wriggle room available to view the club displays. I did have a very nice chat to a guy called James who was displaying and also promoting the scale Scotland show to be held on the 25th August this year at Murrayfield. 

We had a good talk about all things 432 and he also had a nice accurate armour version on the table. Trader wise there was plenty of choice and also plenty of difference between prices for the same kit from different traders! The moral here is to browse first and select the better deal. 

I came away with a couple of interesting books and another bit of PLA armour which for £20 was a good price. Plus some tape and dissolved putty. So after an hour or so of, (in my case) limping around we headed off for a very nice pub lunch at the Royal oak somewhere on the edge of the new forest. By now the weather was smashing so obviously Brian had to have the top down on his car! 

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