Kit Reviews

Sunday 8 April 2018

Chieftain Stillbrew & TOGS & ASLAV Wheels

With the hull all done my attention has now turned to the turret. Here the model differs from older versions as this mark was fitted with stillbrew armour & TOGS thermal imaging system. The stillbrew is depicted very well with all the right curves and shapes as well as the distinctive overhang. Likewise the TOGS is very nice and fits really well onto the turret once built up. 

I've also added a slight texture to it and the front of the hull using mr surfacer. I'll add a bit more later to the rest of the turret. There is not that much now left to do, the kit builds up really quickly and easily. So I'm going to take a short break and finish off the lanchester.

The ASLAV wheel saga continues as the ones I hoped were on their way from Hong Kong are now not available so my only choice is the kit hubs. So I've added sets of bolts to the hubs in an effort to at least make them better than they were. Not my ideal solution but they will have to do.



  1. That's all looking a bit smart mate ..hope you are well

  2. Thanks Terry glad you like em, I'm not too bad at the moment apart from my ever growing list of medical issues! Hope you are better!
