Kit Reviews

Monday 5 March 2018

Lanchester Extras & Matte Varnish Woes.

The postie delivered a few bits for the Lanchester today. First up are a couple of very nice RB models buckets, I've used them before and painted up they look great. Next the figure from CSM which looks perfect for the little base I'm thinking of. CSM have released three different figures to go with the kit which I think is a nice idea. 

Lastly the Meng admiralty grey also arrived and I've already done a test spray to check the colour and how it goes through the airbrush. On both counts I'm happy with it and I think over a dark grey or black pre shade it will work very well.

As you many be aware I've been using AK interactive ultra matte varnish for some time with excellent results but the last two bottles have not performed as well. Today I started spraying the forklift and again the varnish just did not want to work. That's after shaking the bottle until my arms fell off, warming it up in a bowl of warm water and stripping the airbrush down.

The bloody stuff just would not spray correctly spitting great gobs of varnish over the parts. Yeap, I checked for moisture in the a/b & the compressor pressure was set correctly but no, it was friggin awful! I think again this is another bad bottle which makes me angry as it's a new one and this stuff isn't cheap.

So in the bin it has gone followed by some choice words. I'm now going to try the new VMS varnishes and hopefully these will give more consistent results. A bit pissed off as I was hoping to have the forklift finished by the weekend,scratch that idea!

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