Kit Reviews

Thursday 15 March 2018

Bundeswehr Forklift Pigments

Here's the model after a session of pigments and adding all the separate parts. I used a mix of VMS 04 sand "A" & 04 sand "dull". Both worked extremely well. For the rubber tyres I first gave them a misting with VMS matt varnish just to dull down the very shiny rubber then once dry dusted them with pigments. I then removed the access with my finger.   

Again the varnish worked very well and I must say it's very robust on the model with no wearing away or as you sometimes get with other varnishes shiny areas due to excessive handling. The front headlight guards were a devil to fit as the ends need to be bent to 90 degrees and then only the very tips! However once in place they look great.

I still have a bit more to do with the pigments and also need to add some staining possibly to show oil & grease.

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