Kit Reviews

Saturday 10 February 2018

The Tank Museum Bovington Model Show

Today for a change I popped down to the tank museum for their model show as a punter and without Brian who was busy at the bench in a vain attempt to actually finish a model before the On Track show! Anyway I did meet up with my mate Soapy and we spent a pleasant couple of hours having a good look around.

 It was brilliant to finally see the Elefant which has come all the way from the US and is currently displayed with all the Tiger variants the tank museum has. A very impressive display indeed and the Elefant is absolutely massive!

To be honest there were not that many clubs in attendance but the venue and atmosphere made up for that with all the displays to look at. It was also nice to catch up with a few old friends that I bumped into and great to have a chat to Spud Murphy who I have not seen for ages. I came away from the show with absolutely nothing, very unusual for me but then with On Track coming up probably a good thing! 


  1. Nice show, very envious! See you in Folkestone maybe

  2. Went there last year for Tankfest - never get bored of going - there were a lot more people there tho'. Liking Kev Smiths M48.
