Kit Reviews

Saturday 3 February 2018

A Cautionary Tale

As you know I have occasionally submitted work for publication in magazines, most notably Tamiya model magazine & model military international. Both of these publications where produced by ADH publishing. Back in 2016 they filed for insolvency and here the story takes a sadly predictable course.

As a contributor I was owed money for some articles which were published. I subsequently received paperwork from the liquidator explaining the process as well as a list of creditors. The list was extremely long and contained a lot of very well known modellers who, in some cases were owed substantial sums of money. 

Fast forward to this year and I've just received a cheque for, wait for it, £10 with the possibility of another payment sometime later this year. I was owed a relatively small amount but even so a sum in the hundreds so I hate to think what those poor sods who were owed larger sums received.

Both magazines are still being published under the name Doolittle media but the same people are still there working on it from the same location etc. So if you ever decide to contribute to a magazine be sure to either demand full or part payment up front, get clear details of payments  or think very carefully before contributing. I'm not saying all magazines are the same but caution and common sense should be used.

This whole sorry episode has left a very bad taste in my mouth and I would now not use the magazines mentioned as arse paper let alone buy them as their treatment of contributors was appalling. Let's face it without contributors they would have nothing to publish each month!

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