Kit Reviews

Sunday 7 January 2018

Mega Update

Lots to show for really very little work I'm afraid. It's been quite bitty at the bench so far this year but I'm sure things can get back on track.
 First it's on to the Isandlwana project and after reviewing the red colour of the tunic I decided to strip it all back and start again. Thanks to my mate Soapy who lent me a set of AK interactive paints for red uniforms I've now got a much better colour to start with on the tunic. The Zulu has also had some brown oils added and this will be getting shadows added next. The wood on the rifle, spear & shield have also been painted using oils. 

The M10 build is next and here I bought some figures from historex agents. They arrived really quick as usual but I was slightly disappointed with the quality of them as they had loads of pin holes and very heavy resin mold plugs to remove. A lot of work was needed to get them up to scratch. However they are now all done and have had a coat of primer, should look good once painted up.

And lastly I've started another build, this one is for an engineering group build on modellers haven online forum. I've chosen Takom's Feldumschlaggerat 2.5T forklift. Mostly because I've yet to see one built up but also as I do like odd vehicles. It's building up very well so far and for a reasonably small model has loads of detail.

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