Kit Reviews

Thursday 9 November 2017

Some Interesting New Releases

I've spotted a couple of new items soon to be available which I'm very pleased to see. The first is a new weathering product from Wilder called aqualine. It's a acrylic/water based range of weathering colours which can be reactivated with water. They look very interesting and being acrylic have none of the smell or toxicity of normal enamel based washes or filters. They are not out here in the UK yet but I have been told that will be stocking them once they are. I'll be getting some of these when they are to try out. Wilders web site has details of the range, AQUALINE.

Also a very nice set of releases are due from Accurate Armour to convert the Takom FV432 into four different versions. The sets are a peak turret, MCV, as used in the Berlin brigade, Swingfire & ambulance conversions. I particularly like the peak turret & swingfire sets and they all look to be very easy to use conversions. Also a bonus is the inclusion of decals. Lets hope AA bring out more conversions for the 432 in the future.

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