Kit Reviews

Monday 13 November 2017

Hobbyboss PLA ZBD-05 Amphibious IFV

Stuck at a loose end yesterday whilst waiting for paint etc to dry on my other three models on the bench at the moment I decided to get stuck into this one. I just could not resist the very appealing camo scheme and the sheer weirdness and size of the model. The only fly in the ointment is the tracks, you all know my loathing of single plastic tracks & this kit is no different in that respect.

Every link needs a separate guide horn added. As there are no alternatives, even spade ace my usual saviour when it comes to PLA vehicles does not make a set, I just stopped grumbling and got stuck in. By gluing the guide horns on the tracks whilst still on the sprues and doing this in small chunks I have so far managed to save my sanity.

Saying that I still have 103 links per side to sort out, bugger! Luckily the rest of the kit is really nice and the main hull builds up really well with only a few areas needing a smear of filler later on. Anyway enough of my waffle, here's the progress so far.

And the real thing with the very fetching camo pattern.

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