Kit Reviews

Monday 16 October 2017

IPMS Belgium Plastic & Steel Show Report

I've just returned after a superb weekend at the show, tired but happy and with some nice new additions to the stash. Friday followed the now familiar format of an early start from my house to Brian's with loading of his models followed by sausage & bacon rolls & coffee before our departure. Now that the M3 road works have finished progress to the M25 was swift and trouble free. The M25 was slightly snarled up but that's normal, however we managed to get an earlier crossing on the euro tunnel which was a nice bonus.

This enabled us to have a nice long pit stop once in Belgium & here Brian decided the sensible thing to do was get a beer down his neck!

After a very nice lunch it was onto the venue and a quick set up before checking in at our hotel for the weekend. I then finally managed to get a well earned beer myself! The weather by the way was brilliant, more like summer than autumn & in fact it was very warm all weekend. No need for coats or fleeces this year. 

Saturday was as ever a great day with absolutely loads of stunning models to admire and traders to help empty your wallet. This year there were even more exhibitors and more are expected to attend next year. I made my first purchase even before the show had officially opened. One panda models M1 early kit swiftly disappeared underneath our display tables! 

Again it was great to meet up with some of you who follow my blog and friends from forums past & new. It was really great to meet up with Paul & Guy, a shame you had to leave early Guy but perhaps next year we can have a few beers? Paul travelled all the way from Germany via train, a very long journey but he entered some models in the competitions and came away with some awards so well done mate! He was staying at the same hotel as us so we all had a few beers that night & a really good laugh. 

It was also great to finally meet up with Marc Mercier who has given me loads of help whenever I make a Belgian army vehicle. Top bloke all round Marc and I hope to see you again next year. Sunday was also a busy day with lots still to see and people to talk to. 

So a big thank you to IPMS Belgium for the invite and for running such a friendly, relaxed and fantastic show. We always have a great time and look forwards to seeing you all again next year.

Here's some pictures of a very empty euro tunnel terminal this morning, again we were lucky to get an earlier crossing back to Blighty than originally booked.

And finally my new additions!


  1. Excellent pics Pete and glad you.Paul and Guy had a good `un.


  2. Looks like you had a blast, thanks for sharing my friend, Jcon

  3. Outstanding, Pete. Looks like a good time was had by all.


  4. Wow! Excellent pics and nice additions to the stash. These photos remind me why I never enter the local competitions! lol! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Great to finally meet up Pete, and the venue to meet couldn't have been better.
    See you there next year mucker.

  6. What a show! Sounds like you 3 had a blast.
