Kit Reviews

Saturday 7 October 2017

G6 Rhino Front Steering

Working on the front steering I've made a few improvements and added the very prominent hydraulic brakes lines which are not included in the kit. The front steering can be built to work but here the problem is that the parts are quite fragile and you have to melt certain tabs to fix linkages in place. Very old school that, part D14 is a case in point it looks solid but will break with continued turning of the wheels.

Also if you want the wheels to steer you leave off the steering dampers, parts C3 & 4 which looks odd. So using those parts end connectors I made up new dampers with brass tube. The brake lines were knocked up by winding fine wire around a needle held in a pin vise then inserting fine lead wire into the coil. This can then be bent into shape. A junction was added to the wheel hub and lines added as well. With the wheel in place this looks just right.

Once the other side is done I'll finalise the wheel positions and glue the steering and hubs in position. 

1 comment:

  1. Very nice construction with copper wire, interesting and good idea, that of lead wire inside. Compliments Pete.
