Kit Reviews

Sunday 29 October 2017

G6 Rhino Camo Painting

I've finally finished the laborious task of painting the camouflage on the model. I first thought of spraying & masking but in the end decided to hand paint the camo as the thought of all that masking sent shivers down my spine! 
Mind you painting the pattern by hand was equally time consuming and it was not helped by takom's poor painting guide. Firstly it's tiny and very difficult to work out the placement of the different colours and secondly the pattern just does not look right. So using a mixture of my reference pictures and the guide I managed to sort out a decent pattern.

I used vallejo 70837 US field drab for the brown & 70889 US olive drab for the green. I've seen the brown on the real thing very reddish brown and also very light brown so went for the lighter shade. The turret stowage box was sprayed a reddish brown and the lower portion of the barrel was sprayed german grey. This is a feature very apparent in all the pictures I've seen and I suspect it's to do with the barrel recoil on firing. The models also had a coat of gloss ready for further detail painting.

It's a big bugger to paint so I took my time and painted the pattern in bite sized sittings. 

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