Kit Reviews

Saturday 2 September 2017

Trumpeter Canadian AVGP Husky Round 2

As I'm down to one model on the bench I decided to restart this stalled build from a few months ago. Last time I just lost interest so put it aside to concentrate on other projects. Well, I started last night and have actually been enjoying this. Strange how a bit of a break can sometimes rekindle your interest? Lots of the smaller detail parts have now been added as well as some improvements here and there. I don't think this is going to take me long to finish building!



  1. Hi I was wondering what the bumps on the armor plates called thank you

  2. Not sure what you mean but if you are talking about the disc shaped protrusions at the front of the hull they are just areas in the side armour that support the front suspension mechanism. I'm not sure what the proper name for them is.

    1. The golden bumps on the hatches and some other parts

  3. Ok think I know what you mean, the 'golden bumps" are handles made from brass wire. The top of the model is also sprayed with rustoleum to simulate the anti-slip coating found on the real thing.
