Kit Reviews

Thursday 28 September 2017

JGSDF Type 96 Model Finished

The model is now all finished and ready for it's base. I only used tamiya colours and a bit of washable dust for the final weathering beginning with a light spray of tamiya earth on the lower portions of the model. Tamiya buff went on next building up the effects. I then carefully sprayed the tyres & removed any build up on the tread faces. To fit the tyres I gave each one a blast with a hairdryer which made it really easy to fit onto the hubs.

Once that was all done a coat of matt varnish went on. Then all the glazing, indicators and reflectors where fitted and picked out. The most difficult part of the whole build was fitting the front light guards, very tricky with such delicate parts and tiny contact areas. They needed some adjustment to get a good fit but using VMS flexy 5K CA a solid and strong bond was achieved. Antenna, mirrors and the exhaust were also finally fitted at this stage. 

The only pigments used on the whole project were on the boots of the kneeling figure, which just shows sometimes you don't need to chuck everything at a model for it to look good. The figures I think work really well & the kneeling one is very different from the normal crop of crew figures you can get.

So now it's onto the base which I'm starting today at some stage, once that is my domestic obligations are finished! 

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