Kit Reviews

Wednesday 6 September 2017

Belgian M47 Base Work

In the background during the painting stages, I've been working away on the base for the model and have come up with this idea. As you can see in the header picture to the blog Cleopatra is pictured with some rather ratty tank sheds behind it and I wanted to replicate this for the base. Obviously, a full sized shed would have taken up far too much space and possibly taken over the model so I decided on just a facade to suggest a full shed behind the model. 

So using my usual Ikea picture frame, some foam board, plastic I beam and some excellent dio dump corrugated sheet I've made up a partial shed for the background. The concrete is just a section of white card onto which I have drawn the expansion joints and some cracks firmly with a pen. So far it looks good but I can't tell if it will work yet until the shed is painted up. I think black or a very dark grey should work for the interior of the shed to give it the illusion of depth.

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