Kit Reviews

Wednesday 30 August 2017

Takom M47 Detail Painting Begins

Today has been a fun day as I've been painting all the details on the model, yeah sad I know but I do enjoy this stage of a project. I started out with the tracks and instead of painting all the rubber pads I just re sprayed the runs with tyre black and then painted the metal connectors. Much easier and quicker. The exhaust covers were next and here I used some reference pictures to replicate the effect on the covers. Various vallejo colours were sponged on then they were finished off with a fine brush. 

The mantlet cover was next then the fuel cans and extinguishers on the rear hull followed by the tow rope & tools. Lastly I've added some light chipping to the hull with the turret still to do. So it's been a very productive day!

Here's a couple of pictures showing just how bright and rusty the exhaust shields could get.


  1. Good job Pete. The rust of the exhaust covers looks very bright but when we see the reference pictures it's very close to the reality. Conclusion : a good documentation is an important point to reach the acuracy of our dear models.
    I suppose you will do the washes with oil paints ;-)
    Happy modeling with this project my friend.

  2. Hi Alain, Indeed the exhaust covers are very bright and as you say refs can show something unexpected. I was unsure at first when I painted them but now I think after weathering slightly they will be just right. Yes the model will get the usual washes and oil fading but I'll mix my own!
