Kit Reviews

Wednesday 9 August 2017

IDF Centurion Figure Painting

Well it's been a busy time for me both around the house and at the bench. The figures have slowly taken shape with some painting and I now only have two to finish off. I have been using various vallejo paints and have tried to vary the uniforms for some variety. During this period the IDF were using a mixture of old British, American, French and their own uniforms so some mixing of uniforms and styles helps me out on this project. 

For instance the tank helmets used were either the old WW2 American style as seen here, French copies or IDF manufactured versions. Indeed they also used newer American helmets for crews of say M48. I'm very pleased with how they have come out and I think they will look great once installed on the model. Hopefully I'll finish them off tonight which means I can then get back to the model for some further highlighting.


  1. I don't know how you do it. I cannot for the life of me paint figures all that well. They look great, thanks for sharing.

  2. Thanks Shawn, I'm no figure painter it's just a matter of lots of practice!
