Kit Reviews

Wednesday 30 August 2017

Takom M47 Detail Painting Begins

Today has been a fun day as I've been painting all the details on the model, yeah sad I know but I do enjoy this stage of a project. I started out with the tracks and instead of painting all the rubber pads I just re sprayed the runs with tyre black and then painted the metal connectors. Much easier and quicker. The exhaust covers were next and here I used some reference pictures to replicate the effect on the covers. Various vallejo colours were sponged on then they were finished off with a fine brush. 

The mantlet cover was next then the fuel cans and extinguishers on the rear hull followed by the tow rope & tools. Lastly I've added some light chipping to the hull with the turret still to do. So it's been a very productive day!

Here's a couple of pictures showing just how bright and rusty the exhaust shields could get.

Takom M47 Painting

Now that the centurion is complete I can now continue with this build. Today the main colour went on and again I used gunze H52 olive drab 1. This was then followed by lots of lighter coats using XF15 tamiya flat flesh and extra drops of thinner until I got the affect I wanted. I went much lighter than on my previous M41 bulldog build as I wanted a more faded appearance to the final model. It also starts adding some shadows and depth to the model. Now I can get on with the detail painting and all that rubber on the tracks!


Tuesday 29 August 2017

IDF Centurion 6 Day War Project complete

Well I cracked on with the base yesterday and can now call the project complete. I started by spraying the base various dust and sand tones then picked out the blocks, rubble & stones with various colours using vallejo paints. The pole was sprayed a wood tone then oils were used to pick out the grain and weather the wood. The metal cable bar was painted up as well and weathered not forgetting to add some bird poo! Some wire went on the pole as well and here I used fine fishing wire coloured with a permanent marker.

Then the whole base was then finished off with some pigments and the model and figure were fixed in place. Finally a small lapel badge went on the front of the base. So here you are an Israeli 6 day war Centurion, I've really enjoyed this project there were no real problems with the kit and the additions and improvements made really enhanced the model. It also finished out looking how I had hoped it would which is always nice!

Monday 28 August 2017

IDF Centurion Base Work

The base is now taking shape and here I have used a tamiya plastic base large size which is cheap and does the job nicely. The rubble is from the red zebra set I bought recently and the telegraph pole is from god knows! I found it in the stash so it must have been there for quite some time. I've based the scene on a couple of period pictures as I wanted to include some rubble and the pole balances out the scene. 

As you can see the rubble mix is very good with a mix of breeze blocks and various sizes of plaster etc. The re-bar is also included in the pack which is handy.The small bricks are also red zebra items which Paul sent me some time ago when he was testing his molds. With the model and photographer figure in place the scene works really well and I'm pretty chuffed with it so I better get on and paint it!

Thursday 24 August 2017

IDF Centurion Build Complete

Well after a monster session today with pigments I've now completed the build and very pleased I am too with the result. I used some dusty pigments and worked my way up the model after giving the tracks and running gear a heavy application. On the hull and turret I added just enough to suggest a build up of dust. Too much at this stage would just cover all the previous weathering added. 

The figures went on next followed by the antennas. Finally a bucket was painted up and added to the rear. Next will be the base for the model.

Wednesday 23 August 2017

IDF Centurion Matt Varnish

The model has now had a good coat of matt varnish and today I've finished off most of the lights and periscopes. I just have a couple of bits to do including the metallic elements then it's onto pigments and final assembly. The crew have also been test fitted and I think they work really well on the model. Overall the weathering is on the restrained side which I feel works well with the subject and the colour of the model.