Kit Reviews

Saturday 3 June 2017

IPMS Salisbury Show 3rd June

Today saw Stonehenge modellers make our annual short trip to the Salisbury show. As usual it was a leisurely start to the day with a coffee and a bacon butty at Brian's before the arduous 5 minute drive to the venue! As is our MO we were set up within 10 minutes which gave us time for a quick look around before the show opened. 

This year I also took along some unwanted kits and books to sell and I think within the first hour I'd sold most of them. Again coming away with more money than I started with, even after kit purchases was a nice change. From the off the show was extremely busy and we had plenty of visitors to our tables and many friends popping by to say hello. 

The numbers did not really slacken off until about 1300 hrs which was nice to see. My only gripe would be about the number of members some clubs turned up with, I think 18 from one club is pushing it slightly especially as most went to the pub and when they were all around other clubs could not even get behind their allotted tables! 

I think Salisbury need to look at this for next year. Other shows have a minimum amount of passes for club members and any members over this must pay the admission fee. I think this is only right especially when space is tight and there are only so many chairs available at a venue.

Anyway it was great to catch up with many of you and have a chat, I know Brian was almost hoarse talking modelling bollocks as he does by the end of the day. Thanks to Salisbury for another well organised and enjoyable show & we will see you next year.  

And here's my stash additions for the day!


  1. Aaah, that 48-scale M10! Good choice :-) !



  2. Enjoyed catching up with you and Brian. Inspirational as ever!

  3. Thanks guys, Terry it was great to see you as well mate, take care.
