Kit Reviews

Monday 22 May 2017

Gama Goat Vegetation 2

I've now finished painting the plants on the base and have also added a few around the fence posts. Various custom greens were used mixed from vallejo colours to get a varied look to the vegetation. I've also started adding some moss and algae effects, most notably the tyre and the oil barrel. More will be added along the walls and waterway using oils next. 

More corn stalks are due to arrive this week so I can then finish off the field and matt varnish the base. I'm tempted on this one to not use any pigments at all as I like the finish so much. I'll try the same on the goat and see how that turns out using instead thin washes of tamiya and vallejo colours to get the dusty look I'm after. 

That's also it for a few days as I'm off to France in the morning for a trip to the Somme which I'm really looking forward too.

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