Kit Reviews

Saturday 13 May 2017

Gama Goat Basework

It's again been a struggle to get any bench time this month, far too much going on socially and domestically plus the mojo has taken a bit of a bashing. Mostly due to me over thinking things, you know what I mean. Anyway I've finally got round to starting the base, as this is an important step in the builds progress I wanted to get this sorted before weathering the goat.

My idea is an elevated base with an agricultural look to it. I came up with the idea of a drainage ditch so started with the plaster culvert and went from there. Foam board was used for the base as it's very easy to cut and glue. I also added some tamiya diorama brick sheeting for the retaining wall. I'm planning on adding some corn stalks in the left hand far corner and a barbed wire fence along the front of the raised section. This should hopefully give it that agricultural look. Lots still to do but at least I'm at the bench!

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