Kit Reviews

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Takom AMX-13/90 Starting the Pigments

I've now made a start on the final stages of weathering on this little tank after firstly painting and installing the commander figure, which is an old tamiya item, adding the headlights and painting all the stop lights. Oh, and spraying the tracks a decent base colour. I used a mix of vallejo AK & wilder pigments and mixed them to produce a sandy sort of tone. This was built up on the lower hull and added to the tracks and wheels then fixed with MIG pigment fixer.

Some graphite powder on the tracks for the wear areas were also added and then they were fitted. So far so good as I like the dusty effects and will now continue on the upper hull and turret. Mind you only small amounts need to be used here to suggest dust build up in the corners and crevices rather than a blanket of dust over the whole model. As you can see the antennas and spot light have also been added at this stage. 

Still a fair bit of work to do but I think by Sunday she should be ready for a base. Here I'm thinking of the model going up or down a slight incline which should set it off well due to the angular look of the model. 

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