Kit Reviews

Tuesday 17 January 2017

When Two Just Won't Do!

After tidying up the bench following the AMX spraying session last night I was at a loose end so had a quick sift through the stash, ( it sits conveniently under my bench) and pulled out an Airfix 1/76th Land rover 1 tonne & JB models 105mm light gun. Looking in the boxes I realised I had a set of Elhiem crew figures for the gun, something I'd forgotten about.

Anyway a light bulb moment took hold of me and I thought what the hell let's build it! I mean the AMX is curing and the male tank is drying after a wash, sure I could have got on with the figures for those two but where's the fun in that? So a couple of enjoyable hours last night and most of this afternoon saw me finish both off! 

OK the kit is a bit chunky in places and there's some missing details but that's not the point. Besides these are 1/76th scale for fucks sake, who goes to model shows with a magnifying glass? I did add a few embellishments mostly on the 1 tonne and made up some spent rounds & ammo boxes for the gun but mostly enjoyed myself. 

I can probably finish this off in a week or two so it's a nice little aside project which will fill the gaps during the other two builds. It's just a pity that no 1/35th light gun is available in plastic or resin at the moment. I'm not holding my breath that one ever gets made so this will have to do.


  1. Nice - but can you finish this one first - can't wait to see it!

  2. Hi Pete,

    Mousehouse Armour has a 1/35 scale light gun ($120 AUD) - pics of kit at the bottom of the page - kit reference is:

    Aussie Armour 1/35 resin conversion kits 3511.

    kind regards,


  3. Cheers guys, James I stand corrected, however at at 120 AUD, about £73 plus shipping it's out of most people's spending brackets. It certainly is mine at the moment!

  4. Hi Pete,

    It occasionally comes up on ebay. Will keep an eye out for it at the swap meets coming up here in Brisbane if you like.


  5. Thanks James that's very kind of you.

  6. That Land Rover kit looks really sharp, is it an Airfix original or was it made by JB initially? It does feel a bit like a typical JB subject :) !



  7. Cheers Magnus it is indeed an airfix re-boxing of the JB models kit.

  8. I appreciate this post was made a long time ago but would you have a link to the soldiers in this kit ? only I have the Lanr Rover and gun and want to make a diorama thanks

  9. Yes it's been a while since I built this but you hopefully can find the figures here,
