Kit Reviews

Sunday 1 January 2017

Stug Progress & A Happy New Year

Firstly a very happy new year to all of you and I hope 2017 will be a great year for everyone, myself included! 

With having to work over the festive period bench time has been at a premium especially with family visits and general festive activities but I have managed to get quite a bit of work done albeit in small doses. All the tools and tow ropes were picked out in suitable colours then some chipping was added, not much but enough to suggest a war weary warrior.  

Once the decals were in place and I rectified a small error on my part, I'd glued the rear plate the wrong way round! I started weathering using some true earth filters. These are acrylic based and I've had them for a while but not really used them. So as I was in a bit of an experimental mood thought I'd give em a go. 

They worked really well and I found that any mistakes or areas I was not happy with were easily fixed with a damp brush. they dry fast and being acrylic don't attack the plastic or paintwork. The shading and filtering is very subtle too which is ideal for this scale. I'm pretty close to Matt varnish now as well.


  1. That's a beauty Pete! The true earth products sound like an attractive option, I'll get some and try for myself.

    I have seen a white metal guy sitting in the cupola earlier, where does he come from?



  2. Thanks Magnus glad you like it. The figure comes from Dartmoor military models, he's getting painted up right now.
