Kit Reviews

Tuesday 31 January 2017

1 Tonne Painting & AMX Decals

I've now painted the 1 tonne using tamiya colours for the green. Again XF 65 & flat flesh being my weapons of choice. For the canvas I finished off adding more flesh to my previous mix which gave a nice pale colour. A mix of vallejo black and dark rubber painted using a brush sorted out the vehicles camo.

Detail painting such as it is was next and then a bit of chipping using suitable vallejo colours went on next. Finally the decals went on over a gloss coat. I punched out the bridging disc using some old yellow decals and hand painted the airborne Pegasus. The gun received a very small amount of chipping then the details were picked out. Hopefully today I can get the washes and filters onto both models.


The AMX has also had the decals added and here I deviated slightly from the kit suggestion and marked mine up as No7 using my refs as a guide. I like the colourful markings on this very much.

So that wraps up a busy month at the bench, I'm hoping to get these two finished ready for the On Track show in Folkestone at the end of February.

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