Kit Reviews

Wednesday 14 December 2016

The Festive Message Time

It's Christmas again, where did the time go? It seems that this year has really flown by. I'm really not into it again this year but then that's just me, a miserable old sod! This year has certainly been all about peaks and troughs with some great events and some downright awful ones but that's life I suppose.

I did manage to squeeze three holidays in again this year though as well as plenty of model shows. Also I had several model articles published which helped the stash fund quite a bit! The blog has been growing in visitor numbers also this year with the visits going through the roof which is something I'm very pleased about. I only managed seven builds this year (eight if you count two AS-90's) but I think the quality of the builds is the best I've done so far.

The rate of new releases also this year has been hard to keep up with at times but there really has been some stunning announcements and releases this year. I'm thinking Rhino G6, Polish Rosomak and the pending Takom 432, stuff I never thought would make it to plastic. I've also been experimenting with 1/48th armour which has proved to be a refreshing change and definitely something I will continue to build.  

Stonehenge modellers has also had a great year and it's been great fun talking to loads of followers of the blog at the shows. Next year is hopefully more of the same with the years campaign kicking off at On Track in February. So all that's left is to say thanks to all of you for reading my drivel this year and have a great Christmas and happy new year! 

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