Kit Reviews

Wednesday 31 August 2016

BA-64 Base Work

The small base for the model is progressing well. I started by adding some small foam banks then covered the base with plaster. After this had started to set some fine sand was sprinkled on and the bricks added. These are 1/48th plaster items and very good they are too. Some wood from a coffee stirrer went on next followed by a small bit of pipe for an electrical conduit and a jerry can. 

Slightly coarser sand went on next concentrating on the brick areas. This works well for rubble debris. The base looks pretty good for a Berlin or city ruin I think. Once it's all cured a fair bit of painting will be required to pick out all the bricks in different tones.


  1. Great base, Pete! Prominent pipe and gassoline can make it more interesting. You can put a doll or couple books to the debris, perhaps. For more dramatic effect. But it's up to you, I just share my opinion.

  2. Thanks Oleg I was thinking the exact same thing!
