Kit Reviews

Sunday 17 April 2016

AS-90 Front Decks

Things are progressing well at the moment and I'm really enjoying adding all the missing details & improving other areas. One of the hulls is now complete apart from a couple more engine grills I need to add. The gun travel locks had a fair bit of detail added which really enhances them. The sidelight/indicator assemblies have had the molded lights removed, I'll replace with clear and coloured lenses later on. Parts C41 & 42 were thinned down using a file to get a thinner look as they are quite thick as is. 

I also used kitchen foil to cover parts C54 &55 as per my references. This worked well and gives a good impression of hessian. The driver's periscope, part C47 really needs some detail adding as it's totally devoid of any details straight out of the box. Thin plastic strip and some bolts were used to add the missing details.