Kit Reviews

Sunday 28 February 2016

On Track Show Folkestone 27th February

The first show of the year for Stonehenge modellers and a great way to start the year it was too! As usual we set off on Friday and after a very easy drive down to folkestone were all set up in the hall by 4pm. Friday evening followed the usual format of finding the seediest bar in town and setting up camp! It did help that they had Doom bar on tap too. 

Saturday morning saw us up bright and early for a good feed and off to the venue for a quick look about before the show opened to the public. We also had an added bonus of the Modelworxs table manned by Dick Francis next to us so that ensured plenty of banter both serious and hilarious throughout the day.

The show itself was busy from the start and we had plenty interest in our models and were kept busy chatting for most of the day. It did slack off somewhat after lunch but this could have been due to the rugby? I only managed a few quick tours of the halls but saw some excellent models on display and also some interesting items for sale by the various traders present. 

Again the show was a great way to start the year and it was fun meeting up with friends both old and new and sharing ideas and having a generally great time.

My very restrained stash addition!


  1. I've got one incoming as well, got inspired after watching "Fury"!

    Regards Magnus

  2. It's a great kit, infact it's on the bench now!

  3. would have said hello Pete, but you had a crowd around the table when I passed by twice! Would love to know who won 'seediest' bar in town ?

  4. LOL! shame I missed you mate, the pub was the east kent arms, pretty mad in there!
