Kit Reviews

Sunday 29 November 2015

Bronco YW-750 Armoured Ambulance

here's today's progress and I must say so far I'm impressed with the kit. The plastic is nice to work with and the main hull parts fitted together very well. Sure there are a few really silly little small parts but not as many as in some of broncos other kits. 

The wheels have been attacked with a motor tool for a nice worn look to the rubber and a start has been made on the tracks. Bronco supply right and left side tracks which means you have the correct bolt details facing the outside of each run. Every link needs cutting from the sprue and cleaning up too. The tracks actually click together however the join is not that solid and they have a tendency to come apart.

Spade ace do make a white metal replacement set which I may get depending how I get on with this run. I don't really want to paint the model with the tracks in situ as that means I'll have to leave the track skirts off. Anyway not bad progress for a lazy Sunday with the wind & rain howling outside!

Next On The Bench

As the Bradley draws to a close the next victim has been selected from the ever increasing stash. I've chosen Bronco's YW-750 armoured ambulance in Iraqi service which works well for me seeing as we have a gulf war group build in progress at the moment over on the modelworxs forum. 

I've had this kit for ages so it will be nice to finally do something with it! The kit looks to be pretty straight forward so as it's grim outside today I'll make a start. Better than getting cold and wet I think. 

Saturday 28 November 2015

Meng Bradley Pigments & Final Assembly

Here's the Bradley all done after a session with pigments. i used a selection of wilder pigments all applied dry, I mostly concentrated on the lower hull areas and flat surfaces of the model. Too much would have hidden all the previous weathering and staining. It's come out pretty well and I really like all the various bits sticking out of it. The extra armour also makes it look very purposeful.

So just the figure to paint and a base to sort out next.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Bradley Washes, Filters & Matt Coat

The model has now received a few diluted filters using MIG neutral wash followed by some pin washes using thinned AK OIF & OEF wash. I've kept it subtle as the markings are for a Fort Hood vehicle so they would have been kept in pretty good repair.
Matt varnish went on this morning so I've now started to add all the lights and vision blocks. Here I'm using a nice metallic pink party scatter which replicates the anti laser coating on the real thing quite well.

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Back At The Bradley

Things are pretty hectic at smudge towers at the moment but I have now started the Bradley build up again. Gloss has been sprayed on and the small amount of decals added as well as the final few items that needed painting in different colours.

So it's on to filters and washes next & figure painting so stay tuned!

Sunday 8 November 2015

Tamiya Matilda Finished!

I've finally finished the matilda today after sorting out a small simple base. I'm pleased with the final item and love the canter scheme colours. It was great fun to build being almost out the box and great fun to paint too. The figures look pretty good painted up as well.

Friday 6 November 2015

R.I.P Wilkie

More bad news now, sadly our lovely rescue cat Wilkie passed away suddenly on Wednesday. I'm totally gutted and shocked as he was in excellent health having just recently had a visit to the vets for his annual jabs and check up. It seems it was sudden and quick, possibly a heart attack or seizure of some kind.

We are all totally devastated as he was such a beautiful cat and very loving. He helped me recover from my heart attack earlier this year and gave us all such pleasure. I miss him terribly and feel sad that he only had a short time with us.