Kit Reviews

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Matilda In Caunter

Over the last few days I've been getting the paint down on the Matilda. I started out using lifecolor paints but had some issues spraying them. Possibly due to the weather, anyway I just was not happy with the tones so went to my notes and changed the colours using some mixes for tamiya colours that Mike Starmer had published a while back. I also used a layout for the scheme I found in the January 2015 issue of model military international magazine, again written by Mike.

Much happier with the tones and ease of application of tamiya versus lifecolor. Lots of careful and not so careful masking was called for but eventually she was done. Some areas still need painting/ tidying up and for that some hand painting will do.


I've also done a little bit on the bulldog base, again it's an ikea photo frame with foam board edging and base followed by some polystyrene to fill the void. After some sculpting of the styrene I can then get the plaster work on.

To help me on the base I've invested in a small hot glue gun which I must say has worked really well. The glue sets really quick and afterwards the pieces are rock solid. Much better than my usual method of five minute epoxy glue and less messy too!


  1. What paint colours did you use? I am exactly at the stage.

  2. Hi Simon, wow, bit of a blast from the past this one, I used some Mike Starmer mixes but can't remember if I used portland stone or light stone so I've included both below. All are tamiya mixes by the way.
    SILVER GREY 7 parts XF21, 1 part XF19, 1 part XF4 ( careful with the XF4 as too much will result in too green a shade)
    PORTLAND STONE, 6 parts XF2, 1part XF3, 1 part XF57
    LIGHT STONE, 7 parts XF2, 2 parts XF59, 2 parts XF3
    SLATE, 1 part XF24, 1 part XF4 (plus maybe a touch of white or light grey)
    Hope that helps.
