Kit Reviews

Saturday 29 August 2015

Bulldog Base, Trees & Grass

Here's some progress on the base and I've now got the trees how I want them. I used spray mount on the sea foam then sprinkled a crushed mix of fine herbs from the kitchen for the foliage. once it was all dry various tones of green were sprayed carefully over the trees. The trunks were painted with straight white then dark brown tones went on to simulate birch bark. 

I'm very pleased with the results considering this is my first ever attempt at making trees with foliage. I can do bare trees easily but this takes a bit of work to try and get a realistic effect. THe base received a dark earth colour then static grass, grass tufts and weeds carved from stretched sprue went onto the bank areas. This was sprayed a nice spring green tone. I now need to paint up the barrier, add some fallen leaves and maybe some more weeds and give the base another spray of earth tones to blend it all in.

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