Kit Reviews

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Belgian Bulldog In Colour!

Well after the excitement of the Avon show it's back to the model and an initial coat of the base colour. I used gunze H52 olive drab No1 for this over a bit of pre shading with black. The colour looks spot on and as usual with gunze paints went down a treat. I now like to use Mr levelling thinners when I'm spraying now as I find it gives an even better finish, it also works really well with tamiya too.

Next up will be some fading using various amounts of tamiya flat flesh added to the olive drab.


  1. Nice painting Pete but it looks so yellowish brown but maybe it's due to the light or the white balance of your camera (?) Normally the belgian M-41's are painted with an OD with greenish tone. Good job my friend.

  2. Cheers Alain, The colour has a slight brown hue to it & I think the pictures are a bit off as well. I've just posted the fading results and this has corrected the colour much more in keeping with the real thing.
