Kit Reviews

Sunday 19 July 2015

Greek AMX 30 Crew Complete And Next On The Bench

The crew figures are now all done and very nice they look too I think. I've also been prepping a picture frame as a base for the model.

Onto the latest project for the bench now and with the AMX & Somua builds winding down I've started on my build for the IPMS Belgium show, plastic & steel which is held in October. Like last year I'm going to build a Belgian vehicle and this time it's an M41 Bulldog. I'm using the old Skybow kit for this with some spade ace metal tracks and that's about it! Very little in the way of Belgian specific mods needs to be done. 

A start has been made today and I don't think this one will take long to build.



  1. Figures look great you have captured the facial expressions perfectly.

  2. Cheers they turned out better than I expected.
