Kit Reviews

Saturday 20 June 2015

Greek AMX-30 Figure Work & New Review

I've now finally selected the two figures for the turret after working my way through the spares boxes and new figure pile. The loader came from the spares box and is an old tamiya body with a hornet head. The commander is a call sign models figure, actually listed as an Australian tank commander. However the uniform is very close to that of the Greek tank crews of the 80's. 

Both figures only need a slight bit of work with putty to sort them out. The commanders headphones match very closely those in my refs as well. I must thank Igor Javutich for his help and advice regarding tank crew uniforms of the time, cheers Igor!

I am also just about to post a small review of some figures I've just received from China. This set will be of interest to those of us who are into modern Chinese armour.

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