Kit Reviews

Sunday 7 June 2015

Greek AMX-30 Camo Done

After a marathon session at the bench today I've finally got the camo finished on the model. For the light grey areas I used gunze H311 grey & my usual mix of vallejo black & dark rubber for the black areas. I also painted the mantlet cover with this mix. As you can see the camo is a strange mix of masked areas and free hand which is evident in the pictures I've worked from so I went with it. 

I'm very pleased with how it turned out as it's a difficult scheme to paint due to the lack of full references. The turret roof for example is my best guess. Finally today the model received a coat of gloss so once that's cured I can get the decals on and start the detail painting.


  1. Lookin' great! You've got a deft hand with the camouflage. Seeing this has me thinking about maybe doing my Leopard 1 in Greek service.

  2. Very nice camo. Well done job Pete !

  3. hello Pete! I got to subscribe to the biggest greek model forum. Hopefully I'll get some info about the tanker's uniform in the next fews. your paintwork looks very realistic!

  4. Thanks guys glad you like it, Igor what's the web address for that forum?

  5. it is: but its all in greek. you can also try to ask on the IPMS hellas fb page:

  6. Thanks Igor I'll check them both out :-)
