Kit Reviews

Saturday 2 May 2015

More Somua Paintwork & Bedford Detail Painting

The Somua has now had the second colour sprayed onto the hull and I've finished off the turret. I used tamiya XF-58 for the green & XF-79 linoleum deck brown for the brown. Both were then lightened with desert yellow for highlights. The turret was then finished off with a mix of vallejo black and dark rubber for the lines between each colour.
 A fair bit of masking is involved here and the liberal use of silly putty helps to achieve nice tight lines between each colour. I just have two more bands of brown to spray on the lower hull.

The Bedford has now had the details picked out plus the very fragile reg numbers added. I made up the hazard boards on the rear using some old spare aircraft decals. The model has also had a bit of chipping added particularly around the cargo bed.

The figures to accompany the truck have now arrived and very nice they are too. I'ts going to be fun painting these! 


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