Kit Reviews

Friday 29 May 2015

AMX-30 Turret Done, Kit Built!

The turret's all finished now and the kit's all ready for a wash then primer. I made a few improvements to the turret in the form of replacing the tie downs with some thin lead wire and adding a few bolts here and there as well as a couple of handles on the rear bin. A thin coat of Mr surfacer was added as well to give the turret a slight bit of texture and to tie everything together. 

I also used the Orange hobby metal barrel as I'm lazy and hate sanding down seam lines on barrels! Talking of seam lines the side stowage cages had some serious seams which needed to be removed, nothing a fresh scalpel blade and a bit of patience can't sort out. I'll add some straps and camo netting to these once the main paintings done. 

I'm very taken by this model & I like the lines of the tank, it looks very compact yet deadly! As it's the IPMS Salisbury annual show tomorrow I'm in the middle of packing my models & sorting out some surplus kits for sale at the show. So if you are there drop in on the Stonehenge Modellers stand and say hi.



  1. Hello Pete ...great to see your models in the flesh at the show..I did see you but you were busy chatting and I couldn't stop long as on night duty ....great stuff mate the 101

  2. Hi Terry sorry I missed you mate, shame as it would have been nice to have a chat. We were extremely busy all day talking to I think everyone at the show! Nice to be home now with a cup of tea.
