Kit Reviews

Friday 17 April 2015

Super Somua

More on the Somua now and last night I built up the tracks, very easy this as each link just clicks into place. Tamiya says you need 102 links per run but I found 103 worked better. After assembly I went over the faces with a sanding stick to smooth off the little pin marks on each one. As you can also see the lower hull is now almost complete and looks excellent.

The upper hull has had some extras chucked at it, firstly the small vision cover on the drivers station was replaced with a better defined one from plastic card and three bolts added. All the hatches and engine deck screens went on next and I added some small plastic discs to some of the doors. Lastly I added a casting number to the hull using references I took the last time I was at the tank museum.


The next area which I feel needs a bit of enhancement are the side stowage boxes. You can see the kit supplied item with the straps and brackets in place on the left in the picture below. Although OK all the bins are the same and to me this looks a bit too regular. Also the straps look a little too thin. So I've made a start replacing them using plastic card for the lower brackets. 
I'm planning on using lead foil and etched buckles for the straps which will hopefully look better, at least to me.

Here's another example of why I'm so impressed with this kit, The Somua makers plaques are just brilliant!

And finally here's the model with my old tamiya Char B build as a comparison. As you can see it's not that much smaller and shares the same design ideas and turret shape as well as main armament. 

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