Kit Reviews

Sunday 5 April 2015

Saladin Work, Allotment Work & Wilkie the Cat

Not much done on the modelling front this week as I have had many other tasks to perform however I have now given the Saladin a coat of matt varnish in readiness for pigments and have also added the lights using clear and coloured lenses. The figures have also had a bit of work improving the fit of the replacements heads and I've made a start on painting the stowage.

My main task this week has been up at the allotment putting in some raised beds and actually getting some stuff planted! I've only put in two types of onions & garlic at the moment but it feels great to finally begin to grow some veg. The plot has been covered with thick plastic sheet all winter and the soil underneath is now pretty much weed free. 

Still lots to do and that rotten old shed really needs replacing but I'm not rushing.

Wilkie the cat or the "mog puss" as he is more commonly known is really enjoying the spring. The garden and chasing the neighbourhood cats are his favourite things unless it's windy or raining then he's usually asleep somewhere. He's been with us for just over three months now and I wouldn't be without him.



  1. Hi Pete,
    Well apart from all the onion and garlic is good even better. What you plant after: tomatoes, cucumbers, salad, ... need so much sun, however. The Saladin is very nice, maybe (personal opinion) I would have done a little more weathering if only to highlight the details, then the model is clear and you see it you have to like you. The cat is beautiful .
    Ciao and Happy Easter even if late.

  2. Great looking model mate .ive been following this and it's inspired me to get one.
    Great looking cat.
    May I ask what Matt varnish you use mate .
    Hope your well

  3. Nice work Pete, i have to say it looks weird seeing military vehicles Good luck with the pastels and also with the gardening duties.

  4. Cheers guys for your comments, as for the weathering I'm relying on pigments to finish it off and highlight all the details. As it's set in a desert environment and I found that dark washes and filters would darken and mask the colours too much that's the way to go. Terry I use Winsor & Newton Galleria acrylic matt varnish, I usually add a couple of drops of water to it and it sprays a dream.
