Kit Reviews

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Dragon Saladin Pigments

Over the last couple of days I've finished up the weathering on the Saladin using pigments. Here I used a mixture of wilder beach sand, river sand and AK interactive light dust. This was applied mostly dry. I have kept it quite subtle as the real vehicles were rather well maintained and pictures show very little buildup of dust. Also I was worried that too much would hide the green and details added previously with the washes.

The final result I think looks just right and I do like the way the wheels look. The figures, wing mirrors, aerials and a commanders mike went on last. I've also been working on a small base so should get that finished in the next few days.


  1. Mr. Smith I’m very impressed with your model of the Saliden. I just bought a bunch of old dirty models and in the box was a Saliden. It’s an ols Tamiya kit with the motor still in the model. That’s an old kit. Any way I’m going to bring her back to life and you sir inspired me to get er done.
