Kit Reviews

Sunday 12 April 2015

Dragon Saladin Figures

Over the weekend I've been working on the figures for the sally can and have just finished them off. The half figure is definitely not as sharp as the other two but you will only just see him once he's placed in the drivers position. As usual I used a selection of vallejo colours for the figures and I think I nailed the desert type uniform used during the Aden conflict.



  1. Hi

    Nice work there! What colours did you use for the uniforms?

    Shane Lovell
    Canberra, Australia

  2. Hi Shane the main uniform colour was vallejo 340 highlight afrika korps. This is a panzer aces colour. I then added black and brown for the shadows and white & Iraqi sand, 819 for the highlights. The greens I'm afraid I cannot remember. Hope that helps.
