Kit Reviews

Sunday 15 February 2015

On Track Show Folkestone 14th February

Stonehenge Modellers first show of the year this and our first time displaying here too. As ever the event is hosted at the Leas cliff pavilion right by the seafront which made for a bracing time if you ventured out for a bit of fresh air!  We actually arrived on Friday afternoon and set up in good order on one of the balconies overlooking the main hall. Friday night saw us prowling the town and meeting up with most of the Modelworx forum guys at the now infamous Carlton hotel bar for several medicinal beers! A great time chatting and laughing was had by all especially Brian who seemed to be on a mission to rid the world of gin!

After a hearty breakfast we arrived in good time to have a look around the halls before the public was admitted. I must say that there was an excellent selection of traders on hand and some very interesting small scale stuff was available to purchase. Once the public started arriving we were kept very busy throughout most of the day chatting to anyone who came within 6 feet of our display! It was great to meet many people who have seen my blog and who said they enjoyed it. So I must be doing something right! 

There was also many fine models on display on the club stands and also in the competition. Although some classes here seemed quite thin on the ground the quality of the entries was superb. Obviously the modelworx forum guys who entered the comps cleaned up when it came to awards as per usual, well done to all who won awards. The show didn't really slacken off all day and by the end I was certainly ready fro the long drive home!

Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures apart from our stand and the hall but there will I'm sure be a load turn up on the web soon. Thanks to the organisers of the show for the invite & we hope to be back next year.

Here's my stash additions from the show.

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